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Created 29-Oct-23
45 photos
It was fun to go backdown Stillwater Canyon four years later. This time we went with family friends, Philip and Susan Fitzgerald. Susan did great, and I think she had fun. The cata-canoe setup from Tex's made for a very chill trip, easy to have only 2 or 3 of us paddling at a time and super stable.

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Aven and Philip paddling in the the sternSusan and Bryn paddling in the BowAven duffingChecking out the Mark Walker Cabin at Fort BottomBlue-morphed side-blotched lizardMoki FortAven cooling off on a hot afternoonAwesome campsite at Tent BottomOur Canadian friends were camped across the riverNighttime at tent bottomWe stopped on lots of sandbarsBonita BendExploring around upper Cabin Bottom